Learning Videos
easy and effective
You'd like to have an English teacher who will teach you from your desk – for free?
Then learning videos are the perfect thing for you!
Then learning videos are the perfect thing for you!
- Improve your English skills – from grammar rules to communication situations!
- Learn with a variety of tools – with illustrations, personal tutors or animations!
- Repeat video lessons as often as you want!
British Council - High-Quality Videos
These top-notch videos from the British Council present important grammar rules in a laid-back atmosphere. After watching the videos, complete interactive exercises to practice what you've learned.Real English - Basic Conversations
Watch these real-life videos of native speakers to learn basic vocabulary and get familiar with different communication situations. Complete the exercises that follow the videos to reinforce the new words and expressions.Neo K12 - Grammar, Pronunciation, and Stories
In the category "English" you can find many different videos that deal with topics from grammar to writing, pronunciation, and public speaking. There are also many videos for children and young English learners.Australia Plus - Various Learning Videos
Australia Plus offers multiple different video series about learning English. Each video includes a transcript and explanations of difficult words.YouTube: JenniferESL - English Lessons on YouTube
Whether you need help with grammar, punctuation, or a completely different topic in English – Jennifer offers a huge selection of instructional videos for learning English. These videos are a great way to get simple and clear lessons on English in everyday use.EngVid - Choose Your Own Teacher
Here you can find hundreds of different videos featuring different teachers. Choose your favourite teacher, a topic (grammar, pronunciation, culture … ) and your desired level of difficulty.lingoneo on YouTube - Entertaining Videos
With these learning videos, you improve your English in a fun and relaxing way. Get ready for different talking situations with dialogues and learn .