Listening Comprehension
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Do you want to better comprehend spoken English?
Here you can find different reports to listen to and solidify your understanding with subsequent tasks. These useful interactive listening activities will help you
Here you can find different reports to listen to and solidify your understanding with subsequent tasks. These useful interactive listening activities will help you
get more out of listening to spoken English.
We've collected the best online resources for improving listening comprehension with high-quality content and relevant exercises for extra practice! Find the right activity for you and start making progress with English listening comprehension!
We've collected the best online resources for improving listening comprehension with high-quality content and relevant exercises for extra practice! Find the right activity for you and start making progress with English listening comprehension!
British Council - Extensive Portal
A true goldmine of content for training your listening comprehension! Under "Listen and Watch" you can access many different audio and video recordings that have follow-up activities and exercises. Choose between entertaining stories, interesting reports or short series.Youtube: Anglo-Link - Dictations and More
This YouTube series is made especially for training listening comprehension of spoken English. The videos contain different activities: for example, you can listen to dictations of words or entire sentences that you must write down.- On this website you can find many audio and video recordings by English speakers who answer specific questions. Most entries include vocabulary lists and follow-up exercises for you to evaluate your understanding.
Listen a Minute - Short Audio Exercises
These 60-second listening exercises are organised alphabetically and include non-interactive follow-up exercises. There are listening exercises for many different topics. A PDF download of the exercise is available for each entry.Voice of America - Listen to and Read the News
This learning site is regularly updated with current news stories. There is an audio or video recording of nearly every article, which accompanies the written transcript. At the end of each article, you can find a vocabulary list.Randall's ESL Listening Lab - Different Levels
This site has many different audio recordings of typical, real-life situations. Choose between "Easy", "Medium" or "Difficult" listening exercises. Complete a follow-up quiz, vocabulary activities and research tasks to practise your comprehension.Effnet - Audible Stories with Questions
This site doesn't offer too many exercises, but there are a few quality listening comprehension tasks. A short story will be read to you, and you'll be asked a few comprehension questions at the Learn English - Real Conversations
This English learning website offers a free and with authentic dialogues. Each unit consists of a dialogue to listen to and various interactive exercises. Completely free and without registration!