Reading Comprehension
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You'd like to test and improve your reading comprehension?
We've put together the best e-learning materials for you to improve reading comprehension using
We've put together the best e-learning materials for you to improve reading comprehension using
interactive tasks.
By using targeted follow-up questions and tasks, you can get much more out of your reading. Get going and start improving your English reading comprehension now!
By using targeted follow-up questions and tasks, you can get much more out of your reading. Get going and start improving your English reading comprehension now!
Learning English Online - Diverse Exercises
This interactive learning portal has lots of material for reading, including many texts with follow-up activities for targeted practice in English reading comprehension.British Council - Exercises for Beginners-Intermediate
An ideal way to practise your reading comprehension. Choose a level of difficulty (beginner to intermediate), select a text to read and complete the interactive exercises afterwards. A well-structured website from the British Council.5 Minute English - Short Texts and Questions
This learning site is true to its name! These short texts with follow-up comprehension questions are perfect for practising English skills, even if you don't have much time.Grammar Bank - Many Short Texts
With over 80 texts with follow-up comprehension quizzes, this learning portal offers a simple way to practise your reading skills. The texts are short and deal with topics mostly related to science and history.University of Victoria - Stories for all Levels
An excellent site for training your reading comprehension! For every language level the University of Victoria provides a selection of texts with many different types of follow-up activities and questions to test your understanding.